Δύτες κολύμπησαν πλάι σε λευκό καρχαρία 6 μέτρων

Ο γιγαντιαίος μεγάλος λευκός καρχαρίας εντοπίστηκε ανοικτά των ακτών της Χαβάης

Ένας γιγαντιαίος μεγάλος λευκός καρχαρίας, από τους μεγαλύτερους που έχει δει ποτέ άνθρωπος, εντοπίστηκε στα νερά ανοικτά των ακτών της Χαβάης από μια ομάδα δυτών, που είχε την πολυτέλεια να κολυμπήσει στο πλάι αυτού του τρομερού θαλάσσιου αρπακτικού.

Ο θηλυκός καρχαρίας, μήκους έξι μέτρων, με σημάδια παρόμοια με αυτά του Deep Blue, ενός από τους μεγαλύτερους καρχαρίες που έχουν θεαθεί ποτέ, εμφανίστηκε απροειδοποίητα την Τρίτη, καθώς ανυποψίαστοι μικρότεροι καρχαρίες-τίγρεις απολάμβαναν ένα λουκούλλειο γεύμα: κατασπάραζαν το πτώμα μιας φάλαινας σε αποσύνθεση, κοντά στο νησί Οάχου. «Βλέπαμε μερικούς (καρχαρίες-τίγρεις) όταν έφθασε, κι όλοι οι υπόλοιποι καρχαρίες έγιναν καπνός. Τότε, άρχισε να τρίβεται πάνω στο σκάφος», αφηγήθηκε η Όσιαν Ράμζι, δύτρια, στην εφημερίδα Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

«Ήταν απλά ένας ευγενικός γίγαντας που ήθελε να χρησιμοποιήσει το σκάφος μας για να ξυστεί», εξήγησε η Ράμζι, επαγγελματίας δύτρια και ειδική στους καρχαρίες, που δίνει αγώνα για την προστασία τους. Κολύμπησε πλάι-πλάι με τον θηλυκό καρχαρία για «μεγάλο μέρος της ημέρας». Η ομάδα τράβηξε καθηλωτικά πλάνα από τη συνάντηση.

Κατά τη Ράμζι ο καρχαρίας, που υπολόγισε πως είναι ηλικίας τουλάχιστον πενήντα ετών και ζυγίζει κάπου δυόμισι τόνους, ήταν «σοκαριστικά φαρδύς», διότι μάλλον κυοφορεί. Σπάνια απαντώνται μεγάλοι λευκοί (Carcharodon carcharias) στη Χαβάη, καθώς τα νερά εκεί είναι συνήθως υπερβολικά ζεστά για τα γούστα τους.

Θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί πως μετά την δημοσίευση του video και τη δημοφιλία που σημείωσε αρκετοί βιολόγοι αποδοκίμασαν την ενέργεια και επισήμαναν πως σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα πρέπει να παρενοχλούνται αυτά τα βίαια ζώα. Ακόμα και η ίδια η Ocean Ramsey που εικονίζεται σε αυτό σημειώνει πως αυτές οι εικόνες δεν σημαίνει πως θα πρέπει οποιοσδήποτε να πρσοσπαθήσει να κάνει το ίδιο βουτώντας σε νερά με καρχαρίες.

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Photo by @Juansharks Urgent! Call to action #HelpSaveSharks Help Ban the Sale and Trade of Fins in Florida!!! Sign the petition in the link in @jim_abernethy IG Bio. Currently Florida is the capitol of #sharkfishing for the united states and there are terrible people there that catch and kill them just for sport. Even the ones that are released more often than not do not survive, check out @drneilhammer #DrNeilHammershalg for more information on the scientific studies proving this. Please help save sharks off Florida by signing the link and sharing this message. The #StateOfGeorgia is currently the largest importer and exporter of #sharkfins in the united states. About this Photo: #PUREJOY it felt surreal to dance with dolphins twirling around in the deep open ocean #HappyPlace with this big beautiful white shark #HelpSaveSharks #BestLifeMoments #Grateful #humble #focused #positive #conservation #SaveTheOcean #Happy #amazing #beautiful #incredible #sharks #whitesharkhawaii #greatwhitesharkhawaii #sharksInHawaii #Savesharks #ocean #Oceanramsey #JuanSharks Wetsuit biomimicry design conservation benefit collaboration @xcelwetsuits fins @cressi1946 @oneoceanconservation @oneoceandiving Please sign and support the #nofinfl link in Jim’s bio. ❤️

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#Jaws was a fictitious film whose poster kind of looks like this, so this is my effort at an Anti-Jaws type media piece @savingjawsmovie . I’ve been swimming with sharks my whole life and working professionally with them for over 15 years. There’s a challenge I have in my efforts, to find a balance between helping people to overcome their fear of sharks that often stems for fictitious demonizing media and instilling a healthy level of respect for sharks as very capable apex predators #ApexPredatorNotMonster not puppy (cause if you pet puppies often even puppies bite, actually a lot ;)). Having worked with sharks for so long I can fully appreciate what they are capable of because I have been rushed by sharks and had to deter them and I have had to leave the water and I have watched them actively predate and compete for space and have confrontations.  However, I’ve also had the most incredible moments of my life in the water with them where 99.9% of the time they cruise gracefully around and so long as I keep looking around and pay attention constantly and quietly and give respect and attention to the more dominant individuals and challenging juveniles on a CONSTANT bases I am treated as more or less an equal predator.  Never complacent, always respectful and adapting at every second to every movement. I reached the point long ago where I dedicated my life to conservation and I love it, I love educating people about sharks and introducing them to them in a professional guided situation through the program I co-founded @oneoceandiving where we also collect data @oneoceanresearch @oneoceansharks and help support conservation through @Oneoceanconservation and @OneoceanEducation and @Oneoceanglobal @Waterinspired @oneoceanhawaii and other with funds from @oneoceandesigns and diving I love studying shark behavior and body language and its an absolute pleasure to share that with people and help them to better appreciate sharks and I hope inspire them to help save them.  Check out http://HelpSaveSharks.Org for more ways to get involved. #Aloha #hawaii #greatWhiteHawaii #SaveTheOcean #ocean #discoversharks #oneoceanconservation #OneOceanDiving PHOTO CREDIT @juansharks ❤️

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) στις

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Post via @oceanramsey Disclaimer: I highly discourage people from jumping into the water purposely with Great #WhiteSharks and TigerSharks and all sharks should be given respect as space as wild animals and PROTECTION from wasteful killing for their important ecological role. I work daily in the water with sharks as a shark biologist and teach public and professional safety programs through @OneoceanResearch and @OneOceanDiving and through a number of our international projects which also includes #greatWhiteShark research specifically. I try hard to replace fear with scientific facts and encourage a healthy level of respect for sharks as #apexPredatorsNotMonsters but not puppies…but not monsters. They are sharks and I love and respect them for what they are. Yes I absolutely LOVE sharks and have a deep understanding and respect for their capabilities combined with well over a decade of full time experience working in-water with them.  My life mission, passion, and I think purpose is to help further conservation efforts for them through research, conservation, design, and immersive and impactful programs and outreach. Please check out all the divisions of #OneOceanDiving listed below for more information and please help us to ban #sharkfinning #sharkfishing #sharksportfishing and #sharkculling around the world. I just found out the the bill to ban the purposeful killing of sharks and rays in Hawaii will be re-introduced this year in both eh house and senate following all the positive shark press that has come from this incredible encounter in the last few days. Mahalo nui loa (thank you) to all those who support efforts for shark and marine conservation. #gratitude #helpsavesharks #finbannow #sharkarma #savesharks #Sharkconservation #sharkresearch. IMAGE © MY AMAZING FIANCE @JUANSHARKS co-founder of @oneoceandiving and @waterinspired also diving with my amazing one ocean shark ohana @mermaid_kayleigh @Forrest.in.focus and @camgrantphotography  Photo credit: #JuanSharks #JuanOliphant @JuanSharks Photo of a massive 20ft gorgeous female white shark and a rough tooth dolphin swimming up to me in my home waters of #Hawaii #Aloha #MalamaManō #Aumakua #Manō

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) στις

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Disclaimer: I highly discourage people from purposely jumping in the water with great white sharks or tiger sharks or any large shark like a bull shark or a Galapagos, even smaller sharks are capable predators who need and deserve respect however they are not the mindless monsters they are portrayed as in the media as you can see. In my experience this is the most mellow #whiteshark I have ever had the privilege and honor of meeting. I have been working with great whites for over 10 years and with sharks in general for over 15 years full-time I work with sharks on a daily basis in a safety and research and conservation program. #saveSharks Sharks are being killed at a rate of 70,000,000 to 100,000,000 please help save sharks. They are Important for a healthy marine ecosystems, and they are beyond amazing

Πηγή: e-radio.gr

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