Προσπάθειες να επαναλειτουργήσει τον Δεκέμβριο η Thomas Cook Γερμανίας

Μια απροσδόκητη επανεμφάνιση από το μέτωπο της χρεωκοπημένης Thomas Cook, υπήρξε πριν από λίγο, καθώς σύμφωνα με απόλυτα εξακριβωμένες πληροφορίες, η διευθύνουσα σύμβουλος της Thomas Cook Touristik GmbH, Stefanie Berg, που έκανε αγώνα να κρατήσει στη ζωή τον γερμανικό βραχίονα του αγγλικού κολοσσού, απέστειλε επιστολή σε Έλληνες ξενοδόχους.

Στην επιστολή που έχει στα χέρια του το money-tourism.gr, η κα. Berg αναφέρει ότι γίνονται εντατικές προσπάθειες να επαναλειτουργήσει η εταιρία, που έχει και τα brands Neckermann Reisen, Oeger Tours και Bucher Reisen, από την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 2019 και να ξεκινήσει ταξίδια από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2020.

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Γράφει στην επιστολή η κα. Berg: «Αυτή τη στιγμή διερευνούμε τη δυνατότητα επαναφοράς των επιχειρηματικών μα δραστηριοτήτων από 01.12.2019, για να πραγματοποιηθούν ξανά μετακινήσεις πελατών από 01.01.2020. Για το σκοπό αυτό διεξάγουμε πολλές και εντατικές συζητήσεις με τους ενδιαφερόμενους επενδυτές. Υπάρχει ένα τεράστιο ενδιαφέρον τόσο για ολόκληρη την ομάδα Thomas Cook Γερμανίας, όσο και για μέρη της επιχείρησης. Προσπαθούμε να βρούμε μια λύση για το μέλλον της εταιρείας μας και ελπίζουμε ότι θα συνεχιστεί και η συνεργασία μαζί σας, που είστε ο πιο σημαντικός συνεργάτης μας, το συντομότερο δυνατό».

Και συνεχίζει ζητώντας από τους ξενοδόχους να μην ακυρώσουν την συνεργασία τους από την 1η 1ου 2020 και να υποστηρίξουν την επανεκκίνηση της εταιρίας.

Το κείμενο της επιστολής, έχεις ως εξής:

Dear hotel partner,

I know that we have asked a lot from you over the last couple of weeks. For this I would like to express my sincere apologies and I will try to explain to you the current situation a little better. The insolvency of Thomas Cook Group plc in Great Britain has had a direct effect on us here in Germany, so that we, despite all efforts to avoid this, had to lastly file for insolvency for Thomas Cook Germany as well. Since then all decisions have to be aligned. Several topics which require immediate clarification bear legal complexities, hence the decision-making and coordination with all parties involved is unfortunately very timeconsuming.

Please rest assured that we are doing everything in our power to obtain clarity and gather information as soon as possible. With the decision announced on October 9th to cancel all travels until 31.12.2019, we wanted to gain a larger planning certainty at least for the next upcoming weeks. Currently we are exploring the possibility to resume the business operations starting from 01.12.2019, in order to have the travels from 01.01.2020 take place again. For this purpose we are conducting several and intensive talks with investors. There is a huge interest in both the whole group of Thomas Cook Germany as well as parts of the business. It’s about to find a solution for the future for our company and hopefully also a continuous cooperation with you as our most important partner as soon as possible.

Be assured that together with our provisional insolvency administration we are making every effort. Therefore we are asking you to please not to cancel any services from 01.01.2020 onwards booked through us, but support us with our restart by maintaining these bookings of our mutual guests. Together with the Zurich Insurance and the provisional insolvency administration we have defined clear processes for hoteliers and other service providers, to claim damages you have suffered through these circumstances over the last weeks. Further information to register claims has been sent out to all hotel partners this morning. I would like to thank you very much for your ongoing support and loyalty towards the German brands Neckermann Reisen, Oeger Tours and Bucher Reisen. Sincerely yours, Stefanie Berk»

Επιστολή και από τον εκκαθαριστή

Στο μεταξύ επιστολή απέστειλε και ο εκκαθαριστής ο οποίος παρέχει διευκρινήσεις για την διαδικασία και τις αποζημιώσεις.

Η επιστολή έχει ως ακολούθως:

«Dear Sir / Madam For many years you have been cooperating successfully and on a basis of great mutual trust together with Thomas Cook and have become an important and valued partner. Unfortunately, as a result of the insolvency of Thomas Cook Germany you are now – through no fault of your own – subject to significant inconveniences. As provisional insolvency administrators we are fully aware of this and deeply regret it. As provisional insolvency administrators we immediately gained an initial overview of the current situation of the company. Despite the difficult situation, Thomas Cook Germany certainly has prospects and opportunities for the future. Appropriate measures to continue business operations will now be prepared and evaluated immediately.

Our main focus is to minimize inconvenience and loss to all involved parties within the legal framework of the Insolvency Code. This is in the interests of the customers and employees as well as the hotel companies and travel service providers. Together with Thomas Cook and Zurich Versicherung, we are doing our utmost to find compatible solutions for you. We would like to inform you herewith about the current state of affairs: Information for service providers of accommodation (hoteliers) Zurich Insurance plc. Branch Office Germany (Zurich) assumes the amount for overnight stays up to the return journey as part of the insolvency insurance for travelers according to §651r BGB (German Civil Code):

– Package travelers,

– who have booked via Thomas Cook GmbH or its tour operator brands/associated companies – arrived on/before 23 September, and

– were still staying at the hotel on 25 September. Zurich has already paid 50% of the total amount recorded in Thomas Cook’s accounting records as an advance payment based on the information available.

Further payments to the hotels will be made after a proper review of the amounts registered and the documents submitted in connection therewith. Please assert your claims for the above-mentioned guests with KAERA. Please be patient until payment is made, as the examination will take some time.

The most important FAQs and the claim form can be found at: https://www.kaera-ag.de/gescha... Claims for services, which have been provided outside of the above period can be registered and added to the Insolvency list with the formal opening of the insolvency proceedings. The opening of the insolvency proceedings will be announced publicly. Please refrain from registering any claims prior to the insolvency proceedings, as these will not be taken into account.

Following the official announcement of the formal insolvency proceedings, relevant information will be published on the following website: https://thomas-cook.insolvenz-... Many thanks for your understanding! HWW – provisional insolvency administrators of Thomas Cook Germany».

Πηγή: money-tourism.gr

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